Fractions Inquiry
Grade 4 is inquiring into fractions!
Specifically, we want to explore fractions as numbers, fraction equivalency (4.NF.1), fractions larger that 1 (4.NF.3) and begin to compare fractions (4.NF.2).
We begun with a provocation about measurements and whether a fraction could be used as a unit of measurement.
My Grade 4s seemed to display an understanding of fractions as numbers and as parts of a whole, so we used some of Jo Boalers' Mindset Math activities to develop our understanding.
Learners created a 'fraction ruler' on a 0 to 2 number line.
While doing this, learners were asked to consider some specific questions [displayed on the smart board in black with answers being added in color as learners commented].
Next we developed our inquiry into fractions by exploring a Tangrams kit.
Learners were posed the question "What fraction of the larger square is each individual shape?". Here their prior knowledge and learning of tiling came into play.
Learners created posters where they recomposed different versions of the original sized square to further consolidate their understanding of equivalent fractions.
Having done some great inquiry so far, we paused for a moment to listen to some music...
Specifically, we listened to a cover of Hyena Stomp by Jelly Roll Morton:
Learners were asked to listen to the music and consider the colors and shapes this piece inspired. Here is a few examples of what they came up with:
And here is what artist Frank Stella came up with in 1962:
I really like this artwork, but Grade 4 started on something just a little easier for our purposes - something a little closer to one of Stella's other works..
Lastly, learners were exposed to contemporary french street artist Invader who has some works here in South Korea and were able to create their own artworks:
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