Fractions Inquiry
Grade 4 is inquiring into fractions! Specifically, we want to explore fractions as numbers, fraction equivalency (4.NF.1), fractions larger that 1 (4.NF.3) and begin to compare fractions (4.NF.2). We begun with a provocation about measurements and whether a fraction could be used as a unit of measurement. My Grade 4s seemed to display an understanding of fractions as numbers and as parts of a whole, so we used some of Jo Boalers' Mindset Math activities to develop our understanding. Learners created a 'fraction ruler' on a 0 to 2 number line. While doing this, learners were asked to consider some specific questions [displayed on the smart board in black with answers being added in color as learners commented]. Next we developed our inquiry into fractions by exploring a Tangrams kit. Learners were posed the question "What fraction of the larger square is each individual shape?". Here their prior knowledge and learning of tiling came into play. Learners create...